Want a Company That Lasts Forever? This Simple Business Strategy is the Secret to Longevity

Business StrategyBusinesses are meant to grow and evolve, and the ones that endure are leaders who know when to move on or shift strategies.
• A company built to last won’t look at mistakes as breaking points — when something isn’t working, its an opportunity to pivot.
• Preparing for the type of growth that can be maintained for years and decades requires a specific mindset. Check out some frames of thought that are necessary to cultivate such a mindset.

Read more here: https://shorturl.at/aew48

Regaining the Power from Imposter SyndromeImposter Syndrome

• What does imposter syndrome feel like?
• There is nothing wrong with you—this is what growth feels like. We all go through it, so embrace that feeling.
• Maybe it is time to reframe the imposter syndrome situation and rebalance the power dynamic.

Read more here: https://shorturl.at/giFPT

4 Reasons Small Businesses Shouldn’t Skip Out on Advertising in Local Media

Local advertising• Small businesses that invest in local advertising can connect and engage with their communities.
Local advertising is a way small businesses can support and partner with other businesses.
• Local advertising is a cost-effective way to promote a brand and build a loyal local customer base.

Read more here: https://shorturl.at/pyDY7

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