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Hiram Enriquez is a renowned digital media strategist, journalist, speaker, writer and entrepreneur, and a pioneer in the field of content marketing as founder of Mist | The Content Cloud. He is an innovative strategist with initiatives focusing on the US & Latin America.
Throughout his career in the media industry, Hiram has been the executive in charge of successful digital operations for companies such as McClatchy, Gannett-USATODAY Network, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Viacom International Media Networks, Univision Interactive Media, Yahoo! and CNN.
Enriquez has been an instructor for the Digital Journalism Program of the Knight Center at the University of Texas – Austin, and he teaches Media Management and Entrepreneurship in the Journalism and Communications Masters Program of the Florida International University. He conducts consulting and training programs for business and media professionals through organizations such as ICFJ, ONA, NAHJ, as well as private companies.
He is passionate about the digital transformation of business and the media industry with its challenges and opportunities. He covers these topics in his podcast Quinto Poder, his blog and as a columnist in the Opinion section of the CNN en Espanol website. Recent publications include Weaving The Multilayered Web Of (Digital) Power, (ENTKUNSTUNG, October 2017).
He holds a Certificate of Business Excellence in Digital Business Leadership from Columbia Business School, an MA in Communications from Georgia State University and a BA in Journalism from the University of Havana. He has been awarded the Freedom Forum International Fellowship as a visiting scholar at UNC and he has also received the McArthur Foundation Journalism Fellowship.